Twinkle, twinkle little star, like the diamond of Keen in the sky! Taste this spectacular coffee that shines through your taste bud like no other coffee does! At & Heirloom Coffee Studio, we are using SAI C70 x Ditting to bring out the best and long lasting texture and flavor and yet also intricate and smooth coffee bean from Keen Coffee of Utrecht!
KEEN是由荷蘭兩屆咖啡沖煮冠軍所Rob Kerkhoff 創立(他也拿過世界第五),擁有著連續在2018, 2019兩年進入WBC世界咖啡師大賽決賽的咖啡烘焙手藝,連2018世界冠軍咖啡師Aga本人也都多次指定使用!
在&Heirloom Coffee Studio才有,並等著各位精品咖啡的愛好者來探索,品嚐,並再來一杯!
喝過感想:使用跟荷蘭烏特勒支Keen一樣的SAI沖煮器材並使用Ditting 807 研磬磨,所帶來的咖啡口感是更清澈明亮,舒服的迷人的肉桂香氣及尾韻持久的咖啡口感。El Diamanté Azul這支豆子真的是awesomeness is its name! 換句話說,也就是勁爆極了!來店喝一杯and get ready to be blown away by this awesome coffee!
探索,品味,再一杯!(Explore, Taste, Repeat! )