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Keen’s Latin America taste of single origin coffee beans have arrived at our cafe!

作家相片: Tim YuTim Yu

荷蘭Keen單品豆己到店裏。有空可來店裡享受一下來自拉丁美洲熱情奔放又細緻的三款咖啡:QuiquiraJose RodriguezJaguara Anaerobic

Quiquira:它具有紅茶的穩重特質,再加上葡萄柚的俏皮風味。這是一趟咖啡雲霄飛車之旅!歡迎大家一同品嚐!Peruvian coffee with red tea and grapefruit flavors.

Jose Rodriguez:這款咖啡的絲滑順口口感肯定能撫慰您的感官。甜焦糖的風味與黑莓的多汁以及紅蘋果的脆爽風味融合在一起,形成了令人舒適且令人興奮的風味!

Silky texture with brown sugar, juicy blackberry and red apple crisp flavors that fuse together for a comfy and exciting taste ride!

Jaguara Anaerobic:甜而酸的櫻桃風味與朗姆葡萄乾的溫暖以及絲滑的黑巧克力相輔而成,每一口都在您的味蕾上留下和諧的平衡口感!Cherry and raisin flavors top off with dark chocolate for a smooth taste!

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