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作家相片Tim Yu

Standout Coffee of Sweden

This will be our last batches of Standout Coffee and it will be a while before we have them again. Seize the moment and taste the great flavor of specialty coffee from the Standout  Coffee of Sweden.

讓我們大家趕快嚐一嚐埃塞俄比亞精品咖啡的新滋味!這是瑞典Standout Coffee所焙出色的咖啡豆選擇之一!它是來自於衣索比亞伊爾加切夫地區的Wokachellebessa村。這款精品咖啡是由一群充滿熱情的小農在海拔2250米的高山上所種植的,它風味有一種令人愉悅的熱帶口感體驗,就像品嚐草莓果醬一樣的美味。目前Standout的精品豆出杯量都不多,大家可把握下機會,品嚐下瑞典冠軍烘豆坊的精品咖啡!

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